Years Later

ONE WATER WELL TRANSFORMS AN ENTIRE VILLAGE In May 2008, GAiN drilled the first deep-capped water well in Tanzania in the village of Malungo. This remote village, located in the plateaus just three hours from the town of Lindi, had hundreds of people that were desperate for water. At that time, their only water source […]

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The Forgotten Village

VILLAGERS DESPERATE FOR HELP The joy and anticipation that a well brings to a village is difficult to explain to a person that has always had easy access to clean water. But, for those in Haweme village, they know this desperation far too well. Located in the middle of the jungle in the south of […]

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A Life Cut Short

WOMAN FINDS SPECIAL MEANING FROM WELL After travelling for eight hours to the village of Goro Bani in northern Benin, the GAiN team was greeted with dancing and singing. The village’s jubilation was undeniable. The chief gave a speech and expressed how happy they all were. He shared how the women used to walk for […]

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Generational Impact

CHILD’S FUTURE LOOKS DIFFERENT BECAUSE OF ONE WATER WELL It sits stagnant, murky, and at times almost black. Garbage and waste float on its surface. Riddled with disease and parasites, it is the only source of water for thousands living in the remote regions of Benin, West Africa. Women and children crowd around the uncovered […]

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Transforming Lives and Villages in Sierra Leone

Every two months, George, our in-country Sierra Leone Church Plant coordinator, visits all four JFCPS teams throughout the country to collect reports, deliver supplies and encourage them in their church planting efforts. Recently, George reported 12 churches planted in the months of January and February alone! Below are some of the testimonies and feedback from […]

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A Vision for Development

VILLAGERS DESIRE GROWTH AND FUTURE FOR THEIR CHILDREN In 2009, the Tanzanian village called Majengo received their deep-capped water well. Two years later, GAiN went back to the village to assess the impact. Within moments, the team noticed that there was a new building. Villagers shared that the well not only gave them fresh, disease-free […]

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The Child Called Gain

A REMINDER OF GOD’S GOODNESS FOUND IN A TANZANIAN VILLAGE In September 2010, Bill Blaney, CEO & Director of Global Aid Network (GAiN) Canada, Ken Forbes, former Chief Development Officer of Power to Change, and Ken’s wife, Lisa, stood amazed in the village of Kikwetu, Tanzania while watching a long line of people filling their […]

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