Global Aid Network Canada is a Christian International Relief and Development non-profit organization that is focused on revealing hope by sharing God’s unconditional love and restoring life by demonstrating the gospel through compassionate action to those living in injustice, poverty, and crisis around the world.


There is no lack of suffering around the world. We see that people are living in spiritual, physical, social and economic poverty – and all of these forms of poverty intersect with one another. As a result, individuals suffer from injustice, powerlessness, and a lack of autonomy. At the root of it, poverty is a result of broken relationships between man, God, others and the environment.

We believe that Jesus has promised that He has come to the world so that people may have the fullness of life – that they would flourish (John 10:10).

We view each person holistically and it’s through integral mission that we believe God restores individuals from brokenness.

Our work is focused on

Revealing hope to people by sharing God’s unconditional love.

Restoring Life to people by demonstrating the gospel through compassionate action.

This is why we exist.

Charitable Registration #890240997RR0001.

Who We Are

Our Story

Global Aid Network (or otherwise known as GAiN) was founded in Canada in 1998. It was out of a deep sense of calling to respond to the needs of those who suffer around the world shared by a small group of individuals that Global Aid Network was formed.

From these humble beginnings, we expanded to become a diverse worldwide partnership working in 49 countries, dedicated to revealing hope and restoring life to those who need it most.

Through God’s grace, bold leadership and vision, and the generous investment and sacrifice from faithful partners, we are building a shared legacy of transformation and impact on millions of lives. We celebrate these accomplishments with humility and gratitude knowing the work is not yet finished. We remain determined and resolute in our commitment and continue to press forward with your support.

  • 2023

    2023 - 

    celebrated 25 years

  • 2023

    2023 - 

    celebrated 3,000 water wells resulting in 3,000,000 people with safe water

  • 2022

    2022 - 

    local churches plant 1,000 new churches in the Water for Life Initiative

  • 2019

    2019 - 

    celebrated 2,000 water wells resulting in 2,000,000 people with safe water

  • 2015

    2015 - 

    celebrated 1,000 water wells resulting in 1,000,000 people with safe water

  • 2013

    2013 - 

    first Gender Sensitivity Training

  • 2011

    2011 - 

    Mukti Mission Canada comes under GAiN

  • 2009

    2009 - 

    first Hygiene and Sanitation training

  • 2007

    2007 - 

    started supporting GAiN Upendo Center in Tanzania

  • 2004

    2004 - 

    first water well


We’re a little different

We respond with projects in countries where our unique skill set has the greatest impact in locations that are often under-served.

This means reaching isolated communities with poor infrastructure. We follow the example of Jesus, intentionally serving the marginalized, the “least of these”, and the outcasts.

We recognize the inherent dignity of individuals as being made in the image of God and focus on seeing Christ in each person, regardless of station or circumstance. This results in viewing every person as a connected whole (body, mind, soul, spirit) and a desire for everyone to experience life in its fullness.

National leadership and ownership is necessary for every project. At the heart of our model is a deeply held belief that we work WITH communities, not FOR them. We don’t give handouts but rather link arms with a local leaders, listening to their needs and concerns, seeking to understand their context and priorities before collaborating with them to find solutions.

Our Total Impact

  • Drilled

    deep-capped water wells

  • Provided

    people with access to safe water

  • Provided

    people in hygiene and sanitation practices

  • Taught

    people gender sensitivity principles

  • Planted*

    new churches

  • Responded To

    over 30
    emergencies and disasters

  • Empowered

    women through micro-loans

  • Helped*

    people understand God’s love for the first time

  • Discipled*

    in the basics of their faith

*All of this activity is done through the local church. The stats above reflect activity from 2011 (except for those related to Water for Life Initiative as they reflect 2005 onward).


Here’s what we care about most…

Human brokenness and injustice are the result of spiritual, physical, social and economic poverty. Our lens of integral mission endeavours to address this in a holistic manner. We view every person as a connected whole (body, mind, soul, spirit) and desire for everyone to experience life in its fullness. Restoring life demonstrates we care. Revealing hope explains why we care. Sharing the transforming message of God’s love in word and deed is foundational to our work and a guiding principle for all our activities.

We believe everyone is created in God’s image and worthy of dignity, emphasizing the need for the realization of human rights for every person. Regardless of gender, orientation, race, age and religion, we serve all people of all backgrounds without discrimination.

We believe in equipping and resourcing nationals and partnering with the local church. Empowered nationals and like-minded partners will develop local capacity and leadership; generate needed employment, develop local expertise, operate as an economic engine in the countries and communities where GAiN works, and support the local economy. The Church will act as a catalyst for community development and leading integral mission, both in their own and neighbouring communities. We also empower local communities to develop and take ownership of their unique economies and become independent.

We respond with projects in countries where our unique skill set has the greatest impact in locations that are often under-served and excluded by the relief and development sector. In order to execute with excellence, we regularly research and employ innovative, creative and last-mile solutions.

Our model and projects are not about quick wins but aimed at measurable sustainable results. We research and employ best practices in our programs to ensure long-term success and benefits. An intentional focus is placed on our intervention to ensure success over time, contributing to resiliency and serving as a catalyst for communities to flourish.

Our Commitment

You can trust us,
we will…

Show you the transformational impact of your giving with stories, data, and field reports.

Be transparent and accountable with how funds are used and always spend money where it was intended to be spent.

Own our mistakes and fix them quickly.

Be authentic in our storytelling.

Not lose sight of who we are!


Your financial support is very important to us. But, more importantly, it is essential to those living in poverty, crisis and injustice.

GAiN commits that we will take every step to ensure that we honour our fiduciary responsibility with integrity. Our expectation is that our local partner acts with a similar mindset, which includes providing

  • life-changing impact stories
  • financial reporting with receipts and invoices
  • activity reports that include stats/event detail/GIK distribution/etc.

See how we maximized your giving to reveal hope and restore life to as many people as possible.

Annual Report

Financial Accountability


Meet the crew.

Lead Team


Join the team.

Interested in joining the Global Aid Network team and using your skills to reveal hope and restore life?

Apply Here


Ask away! If you don’t see an answer to your question below, shoot us a message and we’d love to get back to you with an answer.

Water for Life Initiative Women & Children Contact Us

Who is Global Aid Network (GAiN)?

Global Aid Network (GAiN) is a worldwide humanitarian relief and development organization dedicated to bringing hope and tangible help to the poor and the suffering. GAiN’s mission is to reveal hope and restore life to those living in poverty and injustice.

Is GAiN associated with Power to Change?

GAiN is the the humanitarian partner of Power to Change. However, GAiN operates a separate NGO (non-government organization) with separate financials, reporting, etc.

Is GAiN a registered NGO (non-government organization)?

Yes. Our status as a CIDA-approved (Canadian International Development Agency) NGO multiplies financial contributions to approved projects in eligible countries and territories, and allows us to apply for government grants toward emergency disaster relief. Our registration is #890240997 RR 0001.

What if I can’t donate online?

There are three additional ways that you can send a gift.

  1. Phone:  Call 1 877 462-4246 and ask for GAiN Donation Department
  2. Cheque:  Make cheques payable to Global Aid Network and mail to

 Global Aid Network
 20385 64th Avenue
 Langley, BC V2Y 1N5

3. Text GAININFO to 393939

Do I receive a tax receipt for my donations?

Global Aid Network (GAiN) is a worldwide humanitarian relief and development organization dedicated to bringing hope and tangible help to the poor and the suffering. GAiN is a charitable non-government organization and our registration is #890240997 RR 0001.

What is the minimum donation required for a tax receipt?


How many staff does GAiN have?

About 32 Canadian and roughly 85 nationals (largest being the Water for Life Initiative).

Has GAiN been involved in disaster relief before?

GAiN started in 1998 and has a long history of being involved in helping with famines, natural disasters, injustice and endemic poverty. Their first project delivered food, water, clothing and shelter to survivors of Hurricane Mitch in Nicaragua. Since then, they’ve sent millions of dollars worth of food, water, clothing and shelter to disasters in the following countries: Turkey, Afghanistan, Mozambique, India, El Salvador, Haiti, Liberia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Myanmar, Philippines, Ethiopia, Nepal, Fort McMurray (Canada), Syria and Iraq.

Worldwide Network

As our name indicates, we truly are a global network working together to reveal hope and restore life in some of the world’s most difficult places.

With offices in 10 countries, our network mobilizes thousands of passionate supporters like you across the globe who are transforming communities together with their love and generosity.