Country Stats

  • Known For:


  • Main Export:

    Diamonds, cocoa, coffee

  • Main Religion:


  • Language:


  • Population:


Project Details

The Needs

Needs we are addressing:
Church mobilization and multiplication, discipleship, leadership training

Where we are working

Regions we work in:
Kissi Tongi, Tambakha, Upper and Lower Banta, Kenema

Church Planting Strategy – Kuranko

Church Planting Strategy – Loko

Church Planting Strategy – Sherbo

Church Planting Strategy – Kenema

Church Planting Strategy – Pujehun

What We Are Up To


Through our partnership with the JESUS Film Church Planting Strategy (JFCPS), we are working to share the gospel, plant churches and equip pastoral leaders in Sierra Leone.

Most of the country’s basic infrastructure, including roads, schools and health facilities, remains in poor condition. The lack of food security, health care, education and employment opportunities has also left communities vulnerable. As a result, most of the population is extremely poor and lacks hope for a better future.

The majority of villages follow traditional ancestral practices or Islam, yet once they are introduced to Jesus, everything changes. They experience peace and a new sense of hope. Currently, our teams are actively reaching several unreached and unengaged people groups (UUPGs), including the Susu tribe in the Tambakha Chiefdom, the Kissi tribe in the Kissi Tongi Chiefdom, the Banta-Mende tribe in the Banta Chiefdoms and the Mende-East tribe in the Kenema Chiefdom.

Previously, our areas of focus included the regions of Kuranko, Loko, Sherbro, Kono and Bom. These areas are now fully reached or mostly reached.

Stories of Impact

See how we are transforming lives thanks to generous Global Aid Network Supporters

Help us bring hope to those who need it the most.

You can help support the role of the local church in Sierra Leone.
