Country Stats

  • Known For:


  • Main Export:

    Cotton, Sugarcane, Soy

  • Main Religion:


  • Language:


  • Population:


Project Details

The Needs

Needs we are addressing:
We are equipping people with opportunities to break free from the cycle of poverty through microloans and vocational training. We are also helping impoverished families meet their basic needs, such as food and education.

Where we are working

Regions we work in:

What We Are Up To


A microfinance organization whose mission is to help individuals, primarily women, experience personal and economic flourishing through vocational training, microloans, trust groups and savings groups. Diaconia equips people with the tools they need to break free from generational poverty while helping them spiritually and relationally thrive in community. They are currently serving over 7,000 microfinance clients.

Jesús Responde
An organization working with approximately 400 community centers around Paraguay. These community centers meet the holistic needs of children and families through educational training, nutritious meals, sports training, and discipleship. GAiN partners with the training of volunteers and sends containers of Gleaner’s soup mix. One container has over 1 million soup servings and is used weekly as part of the meal program

Stories of Impact

See how we are transforming lives thanks to generous Global Aid Network Supporters

Help us bring hope to those who need it the most.

For $390, you can help break the cycle of poverty by empowering a woman in Paraguay with a micro-loan.
