Moushie, as we lovingly call her, completed 60 years of stay and service with Mukti Mission.
Having heard the call to go to India, Moushie left for India in 1955. Her first assignment was to learn Marathi. She was sent to language school in Mahableshwar and never stopped practicing and doing her home work. She would was tempted many times to give up as it was a difficult language for a Westerner, but she continued persevering to reach her goal and was determined to allow her dreams to reach fruition.
Being greatly blessed with secretarial skills, she was the P.A. to the Superintendent (Chief Functionary) of Mukti. Having a deep passion to spread God’s love, Moushie along with her team travelled long distances in order that many people living in darkness would experience freendom, peace and forgiveness in their homes.
Moushie has a real heart for India and truly became one with the people. She looked after a group of girls in the flower house called ‘Frangipani’ and they were like her own daughters. She mothered them, nurtured them and helped them pursue their goals in life.

Moushie never wanted to go back to Australia and without any hesitation, she renounced her Australian citizenship to be a true Indian.
Often people would ask her “What is the secret of your success?”. She would quote one of her favourite verses in Isaiah “… He wakens me morning by morning, He wakens my ear to hear as disciples – as those who are taught.”.
You will always find Moushie in a neatly tucked saree with her hair pinned up and carrying a radiant smile which speaks volumes about her inner life. Always an early riser, her breakfast would often contain papaya and yogurt, which she says keeps her alert the whole day to recognise the needs of the weary and oppressed.
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