Maria Osipchuk is a 79-year-old resident of the village of Borzoa in the Chemihiv region. She spent her entire working life as a teacher at the local elementary school, but is now retired. Even though she poured her entire life into helping and guiding other people’s children, she has no family of her own. In her old age, she feels the sharp absence of family relationships even more prominently.
The war added another layer of hardship onto her. When the conflict began and rockets were frequently being fired, Maria lived in the cellar for almost a month. While sitting there alone, she prayed constantly.
“I asked God to save [my] house and the houses of [my] neighbors,” she shared.
To her delight, God answered her prayer. Her entire street remained unscathed, but on the next street, only 200 meters away, three houses were demolished by one rocket. Maria understands that it was God who helped her. And now she continues to be provided for through the volunteers who periodically bring practical supplies and spiritual help to her small village.
The old lady received food from GAiN and a word of hope from the volunteers. She even joked that God knows she had no teeth and gave her baby puree with meat so she didn’t have to chew.
Maria was inspired by the help she received and felt strengthened in her spirit. We are so thankful for the opportunity we had to hear her story and encourage her that even without a family to call her own, she is not alone.
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