Alaa and his wife Walaa are experiencing the economic effects of the Syrian Civil War. With a one-year-old child, Alaa bears the weight of providing for his family as the sole income earner. Working in a garden and earning a measly $50 USD, Alaa felt the constant pressures, and felt depressed knowing that what he was earning was not enough to feed his family. This led Alaa to have suicidal thoughts.
When Alaa met our Syrian partners in Sweida, they invited him to attend the church to receive a Bag of Blessing (a bag distributed monthly by our partners, with essential food and non-food items). When Alaa came to the church and shared his story, our partners made an intentional visit to his family where they saw his situation first hand. The poverty that Alaa’s family lived in was so glaring and undeniable that it shocked our partners.
They spent quality time with the family, who come from a Druze background. Sharing about God’s love and how He does not forget His people, Alaa and Walaa were both touched by the message, deciding soon after to commit their lives to following Jesus.
As Alaa and Walaa walked our Syrian partners back to their car after the visit, they were surprised when they were gifted with a Bag of Blessing. Tears of joy escaped their eyes, thanking the Lord and the church for this blessing that would help alleviate some of their financial burdens each month.
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