Unsafe water can cripple. It will make people sick. According to WHO, 340,000 children die each year from diarrhoeal diseases due to unsafe water and poor hygiene and sanitation. The effects of waterborne diseases are evident. People are weaker and more susceptible to infections.
Women like Pascalline, from the village of Ayedero Igbo Dogbo, Benin, faced this reality day to day. She would wonder if the day would ever come when she would no longer get stomach aches from drinking contaminated water. It didn’t help that she had to walk several hours uphill to get unclean water to drink – all with a weakened immune system and the stress and pressure of providing for the family.

But now that a deep-capped water well has been provided, where Pascalline can access clean and safe water, she has extra time and energy to care for her family. The time she saved can now be allotted to something more productive.
“The water tastes great! It makes me feel better and stronger,” shares Pascalline.
Clean water restores people, bringing them into wellness. It restores their health and dignity – particularly in the case of women. Water gives women like Pascalline strength, power and dignity – encouraging them to dream once again and unleash their potential.
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