Imagine if the only way you could access water was to dig holes in a swamp and wait all night for water to seep in? This was the reality of women in the village of Mwandila, Tanzania.

Waiting to fill a bucket of water often required sleeping by the hole all night long so that they would have something to bring home the next morning.
Sleeping in the swamp was very cold and uncomfortable, not to mention dangerous.
You can imagine the joy these women felt once a well was drilled in the village.

Not only did they have access to clean water instead of muddied water, they no longer had to endure harsh conditions in order to get it.
Today, the well is providing more than just disease-free water to the village, it is also creating opportunities to further wellness in the community. Mwandila now has plans to build a clinic with the excess funds from the sale of water.
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