Writen by Mukti’s caregiver – Shruti first came to Mukti Mission five years ago as a small 12 year-old girl with Down Syndrome. She comes from a kind family and has a mother, father, sister and brother. Her parents are farm laborers and when they would go to work, Shruti would be left alone at home. Her parents were worried that as she approached her teenage years, it would be difficult and dangerous for a teenage girl to remain alone at home. There were no special needs schools in any of the local towns surrounding their home. Her family was told about Mukti where there would be the opportunity of an education at the Special Needs School and a safe and loving home with the Violet family.
Mangala, Shruti’s house mother, says that it took Shruti about one month to settle in when she first arrived. She immediately loved school and loves to swing. She enjoys her friends and loves singing, painting and dancing. Mangala recalls that when Shruti first arrived she could only speak a few basic sentences but now she is quite a chatterbox. She and her best friend, Rehka, enjoy playing practical jokes on each other.
It was upon returning from a brief holiday at home that the Violet family noticed that Shruti had lost weight and was weak. Her energy levels were depleted. After further investigation at the Mukti Hospital and then in Pune, Shruti was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Her treatment took place under the care of the doctors and nurses at the Mukti Hospital. Shruti missed her friends and Violet family sisters during this time. She just couldn’t wait to be better and get back to school!
So what a joy it is for me now, some seven months later, to return to Mukti and see Shruti strong, vibrant and healthy. She had returned to school and is continuing to blossom within the safe and stimulating environment that the Violet family and the Special Needs School provides. The love and dedication of her housemother, Mangala and caregiver Martha, ensure that her cheeky little giggle and smile remain firmly in place.
Last evening, I was privileged to join the family for their daily hour of praise and worship and prayer. Shruti was enthusiastically singing and clapping along with the girls. During the week, the girls have been writing and trying to memorize the theme of the fortnight from the Special Needs School which is “I am fearfully and wonderfully made”. I reflected on how precious Shruti is to God and how delighted He must be to see her fully restored to health and able to sing praises once again.
Finally, as I was leaving the family, I asked one of her sister’s what she thinks of when she thinks of Shruti. She said, ”beautiful”!
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