A Concert for Water

On June 25th, the Cherry Trees Band played a show called a “Concert for Water in Africa” at Hughs Room Live in Toronto. All the proceeds of their show went towards supporting our Water for Life Initiative efforts in Benin, Togo and Tanzania.  The venue, which has hosted some of Canada’s biggest musicians like Joni […]

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From Thirsty to Thriving

Down a winding dirt path in the thick of leafy green bushes and trees lives a small community in Benin. Humble mud huts and wood fences dot the land as barefoot children wander around, holding hands with younger siblings and calling out to one another in Fon. This is the village of Vongnigodo. When GAiN […]

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Water Changes the Game

On a recent trip to Tanzania, a LIFE team from GAiN Australia and GAiN Canada was reminded of how the simplest things in life can have the most game changing effect on our lives. Guided by the GAiN Tanzania field staff, the team travelled to different villages in the country to witness the life-changing impact […]

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Dignifying Menstrual Hygiene

There is a desperate need around the world for women to be educated about their menstrual cycles and equipped with feminine hygiene products. According to the World Bank, an estimated 500 million women and girls globally don’t have access to the facilities they need to manage their periods. Many of these women also lack any […]

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Confidently Saving Lives

“With the coming of GAiN, our knowledge has increased abundantly. I now can confidently save the life of the mother and the baby at birth.” – Eusebius, head doctor of Mandawa Health Center. Since 2006, GAiN has provided access to clean water for medical clinics in Benin, Tanzania and Togo in order to increase the […]

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Waking Up to a Better Life

Before clean water arrived at the village of Nkowe-Mafuriko in Tanzania, people would wake up each morning to a life where time, energy and resources were stretched dangerously thin.  Instead of spending precious hours of their day farming the fields for food, villagers would have to wake up while it was still dark to begin […]

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Doorways to Life

Experiencing renewed joy through water – For over fifteen years, Global Aid Network (GAiN) has committed to providing deep-capped water wells to rural villages in such countries as Benin, Tanzania and Togo. Through the Water for Life Initiative, which includes the WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) program, GAiN not only resolves to give communities access […]

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Wrapping Up The Pastor Support Program

When we started the Pastor Support Program (PSP) last year, we didn’t know that pastors would still be feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic a year later. For pastors like Hountondji Pulcherie in Tori Cada Lokossa 1, Benin, the aid received through the program helped her considerably. “I thank the donors for everything they […]

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Cycling 4 Water 2021

After two months of cycling through Canada’s diverse and picturesque landscapes – including the Rocky Mountains, flat prairies, hills in eastern Canada – the Cycling 4 Water team reached Atlantic Canada just in time for fall, completing their 65-day ride in Halifax. The team, made up of a group of self-proclaimed young-at-heart old guys (Mike […]

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The Church’s Impact on a Community

Adjeomi is a bustling farming village in Benin, West Africa. The women there take the cassava root vegetables that they harvest and produce a type of food called Gari. They take that to the local market to sell and trade. There are also craftsmen and craftswomen, welders, hairdressers, and dressmakers in the village. The entrepreneurial […]

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