Redemptive. Restorative.

We have found that long-lasting impact in each community is only made possible through the local church. It permeates throughout everything we do.

The local body of believers have a unique role in sustainable development, responding to needs within their communities and facilitating positive social change in their spheres of influence. They demonstrate compassion to those in need, extend true hospitality, and ultimately be a witness of God.

The transformative nature of the gospel changes lives of communities from within and that is why we partner with the local church.

Local Church

Each church has the potential to be an effective change agent within their community.

If a project isn’t led by the local church and owned by the local church, the likelihood of long-term success is drastically reduced.

Roles of the local church

  • Messenger

    communicates important messages to a range of audiences

  • Implementer

    works with organizations to deliver programs and projects

  • Demonstrator

    lives out transformative development

  • Advocate

    helps other communities

  • Gatherer

    brings people together

  • Transformer

    facilitates heart change in people’s lives through meaningful engagement and evangelism

Note: Inspired by ‘The role of the church in improving access to Sanitation” (2009) by Greeves, Yardley and Van Hoek (Tearfund)

How our local church partnerships work

Designed for sustainability and multiplication, the local team looks for a local church in the village.

If one does not exist, the team identifies a local church (ie. a mother church) from a nearby village who has a vision for bringing wholeness to the spiritual brokenness of others.

Believers come together to form an Action Group and are trained on how to show the JESUS film, do follow up and plant a church in the new location.

Once the film is shown in the new location, home groups are then formed with the individuals that chose to follow Jesus.

After discipleship training, the home groups will then join into one group, forming a new church plant. The leaders of this new church are trained on how to lead and disciple their church and then they are challenged to multiply and reach out to a new location to repeat this cycle, bearing much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

JESUS Film Church Planting Strategy

Our church mobilization and multiplication strategy is implemented by our national JESUS Film Church Planting Strategy (JFCPS) teams. These teams work with the local church to bring the message of God’s love through JESUS film showings, discipling new believers, training new leaders and planting churches.


Here is a visual footprint of our church mobilization and multiplication strategy.

Thailand Project – Omkoi
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Read about the impact you’ve had in transforming lives through the local church.

Reveal Hope.

Through the ministry of Jesus, we see the call to compassionate action while recognizing the brokenness of those in need. Will you join us?
