AS OF JUNE 2019:


“I was totally desperate before knowing Christ. I was tired and angry most of the time. When the team came to show the film and invited me, I went and it was there where I knew Jesus and His love. Now that I have Jesus in my heart and I am coming to Bible studies, my life has changed. I am experiencing peace and it is hard to make me upset. My family and I are very glad to have the (action group) here and we will stay on God’s path. Every visitor in God´s name has a ready place to stay at my house.” – Eusebio

“Thank you so much for coming and visiting me once again. We have been getting together with the church…I am ready to learn more about God’s Word but it is very hard for me because of relatives who come only to discourage me. But I ask God for strength and wisdom to keep up. Keep praying for me. I commit myself to learn more and not to get discouraged.” – Edgardo

“I am grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ because He has allowed you to visit this place,” said Pastor Obrero Modesto Alvarado Diaz of Patio Iglesia in Chilchotla. “It was a great blessing for me because we find it difficult to visit another village. With God nothing is impossible. San Antonio town allowed to open a mission through the JESUS film. No one had entered this place for fear of many bad people, but I thank God that many have received Christ into their heart.” The Action Group thus started a church plant in this area.

Pastor Emiliano Rios of the Agua de Niño was also very happy that JESUS Film Church Planting Strategy (JFCPS) team helped him visit other places not reached with the Word of God. “I believe God wants us to enter this village of Loma Grande to reach the lost. I thank God that He has given us the opportunity to take the JESUS film to this new area. Thank you for your help. Keep praying for me and for the work to continue and grow,” he added. His church was able to start a church plant in that village.

Loma Palma, Barranca Seca is also a village where the gospel had not entered until the JFCPS team and an Action Group from the Ebenezer Assemblies of God Church went there. The pastor of the said church, Constantino Alvarado Peña, commented that it took some work to get into Loma Palma. “Thanks for your prayers,” he said, “we met many adults and children.” Seventeen people prayed to receive Christ during the JESUS film showing. They now constitute a church plant.

Those who attended the Action Group training at various local churches contacted by the JFCPS team were very grateful for the opportunity. Luis Rubio of a church in Sta. Maria Chinchotla remarked, “This training motivates me to
learn how to talk to people who have not received Christ. I think it’s time to go to other places where the Word of God has not gone.”

“I have much to commend my pastor and the JFCPS team for giving us this training,” said Juan Alvarado Antioco. “I have had no training and did not know how to talk to people about the salvation that God has for us and did not even know how to start. I find it easy now. I learned a lot through the Road to Life gospel tract.”

A church plant was started in the village of Francisco I. Madero by an Action Group of 6 people commissioned by their pastor, Antonio Garcia. One of them said the materials were interesting and gave him more confidence to approach people and talk to them about Jesus. Another commented that he believed God will use him more and that he was committed to help shepherd people in bible studies.

Since 2012, nine church plants have been started in the following locations: San Pedro Ocopetyatillo, Water Boy, Barranca Seca, San Pedro Rio Lodo, Lomo Palma, Lomo Grande, Francisco I. Madera, San Antonio, and Voaldero.