The women in Barou (Badekparou), Benin used to have to walk upwards of 10km to fetch dirty water from rivers and swamps and then carry the heavy jugs back home. Yon was one of those women. She struggled to bring water home for her children, and they suffered from a lot of sickness that was perpetuated by the dirty water that they were drinking. She often had to take her children to the clinic for treatment, which was very expensive and wasn’t even healing her children.
In Benin the responsibility of fetching water for the family falls on women. This cultural expectation creates a disadvantage for women, as putting the time and energy into fetching water means they have less time to work or spend time with their families.
Global Aid Network (GAiN) Canada desires to help reduce this barrier to clean and safe water. Water is life and because everyone deserves wholistic health, regardless of their gender, age, race, religion or disabilities, we believe that everyone should have access to clean and safe water.
With the help of people like you, we were able to do just that!

GAiN was able to provide a deep-capped water well in the village of Barou (Badekparou). Health and dignity was also restored, as another huge barrier that women in the village face was removed.
In addition to providing wells, villages also receive gender sensitivity trainings. The purpose is to foster healthy family relationships between husband and wife. By creating a safe space for women and men to have conversations surrounding gender roles and expectations, women get the opportunity to become understood, valued and respected.
Alongside the water well drilling, the opportunity to hear about God’s love was made possible. Yon got to see the JESUS film, in partnership with the JESUS Film Church Planting Strategy. After seeing the story on screen, she decided to put her trust and hope in God. She was then welcomed into a caring, local church community.
Yon praised God for the life that He has given her and the healing he has brought to her children. She was so happy that she started dancing for joy right next to the well, and before we knew it the entire crowd joined in with drumming, clapping, singing and dancing. God has truly brought joy to these people.
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